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Making recycled and traditional African decorative objects

Maison Ditaba travelled to Kinshasa to make recycled and traditional African decorative objects.

"recycled decorative objects were used to create traditional Congolese villages spread over different spaces"

Hello everyone! Today we're taking you to Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This beautiful country that we love so much and where we come from. It's a country with a wealth of riches and a culture that needs no introduction.

Maison Ditaba was lucky enough to be able to take part in the ‘Kinshasa Bopeto’ programme, which means ‘cleanliness’. The aim of the programme is to clean up the city. For the festive season, 2 NGOs - ‘La Joie’ and ‘Cocon Famille’, which are taking part in this operation, asked Maison Ditaba to decorate their respective spaces.

This article will introduce you to :

  1. The initial inspiration

  2. The creative process

  3. The challenges of making recycled and traditional African decorative objects


Discover the formulas in interior and event decoration :


1. Decorative objects: inspiration from the star

The initial inspiration was to reproduce traditional Congolese villages.

With recycled huts and other traditional an recycled African decorative objects. The aim was to create African versions of Christmas villages.

The challenge we were given was to use as many recycled and recyclable materials as possible. In the end, the aim was to make decorative objects using recycled and traditional African materials.

The main materials used were metal, sheet metal, plastic and wood. There was a real desire to help protect the environment, but also to set an example for the local population.


Watch the episode ‘Maison Ditaba makes decorative objects 100% recycled decorative items in Kinshasa":

I watch the episode


2. Decorative objects: the creative process

As far as the creative process is concerned, the recycled decorative objects were used to create traditional Congolese villages, spread out over different spaces:

  1. Boulevard Triomphal, just between the Palais du Peuple and the Stade des Martyrs,

  2. Boulevard Sendwe,

  3. the Rond-Point Super-Lemba.

  • In order to create the recycled and traditional African decorative objects, we first had to create a moodboard, as well as sketches and drawings. The aim was to visualise and conceptualise the creation of the traditional Congolese villages.

  • Once we were in Kinshasa (yes, friends, at Maison Ditaba, decorating can be done remotely or in person), we bought several raw materials and decorative elements: straw, wood shavings, plants...


Read the testimonials of those who have placed their trust in us:


3. Decorative objects: the challenges

There were a number of challenges involved in making the recycled and traditional African decorative objects.

  • The climate: it was particularly difficult, with high temperatures and heavy rain.

  • Adapting to the final need: the people of Kinshasa are very fond of lighting effects and multicoloured garlands. Maison Ditaba had suggested more sober garlands in yellow or white. But this wasn't to our customers' taste at all! So we took customer satisfaction into account. To satisfy them, we created two decorations in one: during the day, the recycled and traditional African decorative objects were in shades of cream, yellow, brown... In the evening, garlands in very colourful shades illuminated the recycled and traditional African decorative objects.


Decoration tips

Coloured garlands (or not) are a simple decorating tip if you want to add a splash of colour to your decor, while keeping the base more streamlined!


Your wellness purchase : Glasses with mood lighting

Pretty glasses with mood lighting, ideal for two decorations in one!


  • glasses in three different sizes,

  • three strings of LED lights,

  • a switch to turn the lights on and off.


At Action, decorative items are sold out fairly quickly, so we often have to react quickly ...


Fortunately, we had a team of craftsmen who helped us enormously with the manufacture of the recycled and traditional African decorative objects, the creation of the traditional Congolese villages and the installation in the various spaces.

As you'll have gathered, at Maison Ditaba, decorating is also about decorative objects... So as well as decorating your living, business and event spaces, Maison Ditaba also makes decorative objects. This includes a number of DIY decorations that you can find on our instagram account, linked below 👇🏾.

See yu soon ✨ !


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